There are two very common questions I get from clients before our session:
Can I be in some of the photos with my dog?
Do I have to be in photos with my dog?
The answer to both questions is yes!
While my goal is to capture your dog living their best life, a huge part of their life is you, their owner. As such, I always make it a priority to capture some images with the owner (and any family members) no matter what.
Unfortunately, dogs seldom outlive us, meaning photographs will soon be all we have to keep the memories going. Along with their fun personalities, inquisitive head tilts, and jumps through the air, capturing your bond with your dog is imperative.
For those who aren’t a fan of being photographed, don’t fear! There are plenty of ways to incorporate and capture your bond that don’t involve you feeling awkward in front of the camera. Take this photo, for example:
The bond between Willow and her owner Rachel is obvious, yet the focus remains on the dog. Here’s another example of Allie and one of her owners:
For those who want to be in the photos, fantastic! We’ll make sure to show just how close you and your dog are and capture all the love. I have a simple prompt when having you in front of the lens and that’s to love on your dog. After all, you know your dog best. When you love on your dog with his favorite scratches or her favorite words, your dog will light up and show off your brilliant connection.
Check out Kerrie and Maddie sharing a moment on their dock:
Or Barbara and Zoey on their boat - just look at the happiness!
While, yes, I do make you be in the photos with your dog, I'll promise you'll love the images. If not, they never need to see the light of day!
Ready to book a session to capture your bond with your dog? Find out how it all works and get in touch today!